
Digitalization Lab AICA

We have two vacancies, you can find the links here:
Studentische Hilfskraft für KI und Kunst
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft



The Digitization Lab „Artificial Intelligence in Culture and Arts“ (AICA) aims to equip students at the University of Music and Theatre and the University of Applied Sciences Munich with competencies that enable them to actively shape AI-based processes in various artistic and creative fields and to drive AI innovations in the cultural and creative industries. This project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and coordinated by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt).



We offer an interdisciplinary student program consisting of the three components lecture series, tech crash course and AI project workshop.

Expand your AI Competences

Teaching area

The teaching area of the Digitization College is transdisciplinary and includes disciplines such as computer science, data science, cultural management, media studies, cultural studies, as well as a series of introductory and survey courses on the topic of AI in art and culture. In addition, the course offerings consist of both theoretical and practical units.


Basic understanding of machine learning methods and tools; data literacy; cultural studies and cultural business skills; creative and artistic thinking and approaches; critical and reflective thinking skills.

Our Team

Mariya Dzhimova (HMTM)

Head of AICA

Mariya Dzhimova is a sociologist with a research and interest focus on digital innovations in the arts and culture sector. As a research associate at the Institute for Culture and Music Management at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich, she is concerned with the use of artificial intelligence in artistic practice on the one hand and in the working practice of cultural institutions on the other. She has worked in various projects at the interface of science, art and technology. Since the end of 2022, Mariya Dzhimova leads the Digitization Lab AICA.

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Socher (HM)

Part of the scientific lead

Gudrun Socher has been a professor of computer science at Munich University of Applied Sciences since 2006 and has been head of the Munich Center for Digital Sciences and AI at Munich University of Applied Sciences since 2020. Since completing her doctorate, she has been working on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and wants to ensure that as many students as possible in all degree programs acquire a basic technical understanding of AI and are thus able to play an active role in shaping the digital transformation.

Helena Held (HMTM)

Research associate

Helena Held is an art and culture manager. She has already worked on projects related to the topics of science, art and technology. As a research associate at AICA, she develops project ideas and the student program. Her master degrees in Visual Anthropology and Environmental Studies help her to take different perspectives in this interdisciplinary field.

Téo Sanchez (HM)

Research associate

Téo Sanchez is a postdoctoral researcher at MUC.DAI at Hochschule München, specializing in human-AI interaction. His research focuses on the understanding and development of teachable ML systems that enable users to simultaneously generate the knowledge data of interest and experience the model’s predictions and improvements. This approach creates simultaneous usage and development, promoting more personalized and transparent AI systems for non-experts, either for pedagogy or niche domains such as the arts.
He earned his Ph.D. as a member of the ExSitu research team at the LISN lab at Université Paris-Saclay and has actively used interactive ML in his teaching and science outreach activities in France.

Here is his Website.

Dr. Esther Fee Feichtner (HMTM)

AICA Ambassador

Esther Fee Feichtner is an expert in deep neural networks and data analysis. She studied computer science and musicology at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg. She then completed her doctorate at the International Audio Laboratories Erlangen (a joint research facility of Fraunhofer IIS and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)). Her research focuses on timbre analysis in audio signals using feature-based approaches and optimized artificial neural networks and the juxtaposition of machine and human creativity.

Dr. Benedikt Zönnchen (HM)

Research Assistant

Benedikt Zönnchen is the head of the Digitalization and AI research group at the Munich Center for Digital Sciences and AI of the Munich University of Applied Sciences. He studied computer science at the University of Applied Sciences Munich and the Technical University Munich and received his PhD in the field of person flow simulation in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Munich at the Chair of Scientific Computing of the TU Munich. He designed the courses „Computational Thinking“ and „Sustainability and AI“ and is in the process of establishing the research of the Munich Center for Digital Science and AI (MUC.DAI) in the area of generative machine learning methods. Privately, he is also interested in algorithmic composition, sound design, live coding, and generative design.

More exciting projects can be explored on his Website.

Benedikt Kosian (HMTM)

Scientific assistant

Benedikt Kosian is a professional actor and is currently studying for a master’s degree in cultural management at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater. Professionally and privately, he is interested in technical innovations and their possible applications in artistic contexts. Among other things, he was part of DAVOR (directed by Robert Lehniger) a live performance in interaction with VR glasses, at the Munich Biennale. His artistic expertise within the AICA team is complemented by his two bachelor degrees in theater, film and media studies as well as journalism and communication studies.

David Helm (HM)

Student assistant

David Helm has been studying computer science and design at Munich University of Applied Sciences since 2022. Previously, he worked as a volunteer for the Deutsches Museum Nürnberg – Das Zukunftsmuseum, where he was able to gain experience in the field of art and technology. He was also involved in the project „Future Love“, a theater play in which a humanoid robot was cast in a performing role.